How to auto post on Facebook?

You are looking for a facebook post management and automation tool. We have brought you a great solution with the most optimal cost.

Over the years, social media has always been a very good tool for connecting your business with more customers. Therefore, each developed country tries to create its own social network. Each social network has its own characteristics of interaction and audience. For facebook, the largest social network today with the number of users billions of people each month. It will not be difficult to increase the number of customers reaching through facebook. You started with facebook and have more customers. But when you manage too many facebook information pages and it usually takes more time to publish content to customers quickly. There are a number of social media management tools out there that make this easy for you. The basic features for facebook include:

  • Create posts and schedule multiple sites and groups
  • Analysis and reporting

Here's a very good tool we've developed over the last 6 years. The steps are very simple and quick

Step 1: Create an account at

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Step 2: Register the package that suits you

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Step 3: Connect your facebook account to the system

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Step 4: Create a post

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Step 5: Schedule your posts

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Step 6: Check the results

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Please see more details here

In addition, you can refer to the special features that we build to help you achieve better results.